3508 Fort Hill Drive
Alexandria, VA 22310
Welcome to Kidz Therapy!
... where children learn, grow, and develop skills through play and fun!
All children are unique! At Kidz Therapy, we focus on the whole child. We work closely with parents and teachers to challenge their children at just the right level ---"the just-right challenge" --- to further develop fine, gross, oral, sensory processing, feeding, visual motor/perceptual, and social skills so they may reach their potential towards functional independence. We help children to achieve in all settings --- home, school, parks, neighborhood, playgrounds. By building on and improving their foundational skills --- strength, body coordination, manual dexterity, body awareness, sensory processing, attention and focus --- we facilitate a surge of self-confidence in each child. Kidz Therapy helps children learn to make sense of the world around them and understand how to control their bodies better so they may participate more fully in both familiar and unfamiliar activities and situations with greater ease. Our goal is to help them help themselves to develop tools for their job of living -- learning, playing, making friends-- and be able to do so with confidence and a smile!

What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational Therapy (OT) is a profession dedicated to helping people of all ages become as functionally independent in the activities that occupy the majority of their time during the day. For children, their occupation is play and activities of daily living such as eating, climbing, running, coloring, drawing, crawling, reading, bathing, and sleeping. Pediatric occupational therapists facilitate children's independence in these activities to help build their self-esteem, self-reliance, and self-worth so they may become the best they can be. We do this through strengthening and improving their motor, sensory processing, visual, oral motor, and behavioral skills so they may develop skills for their job of living: learning and playing!
Does my child need OT?

We all have areas of strengths and "to-be-strengths" in our lives. When
our children's challenges interfere with their ability to reach their potential for learning and developing skills, it is then that OT should be consulted.
If your child is having difficulty in any of these areas, OT can help!
- paying attention in school
- making and keeping friends
- playing well with others
- transitioning between activities
- trying activities that may be hard
- eating a variety of foods with different textures, tastes, colors
- running, climbing, jumping, riding bikes
- coloring, cutting, pasting, writing
- listening, loud noises, tags in shirts
How does Kidz Therapy help?
We help children from infancy to high school with the majority of children we serve between newborn to 14 years of age.
In addition to seeing children in our private clinic, we work closely with families and teachers and may see a child in the home (Early Intervention) or in school as appropriate.
We make a difference in the lives of children with and without specific diagnoses. We help children develop foundational skills necessary for learning and participating in activities of daily living such as play, learning, grooming/dressing, eating. As a child's motor skills develop and grow, so does the child's self-confidence and self-esteem.