3508 Fort Hill Drive
Alexandria, VA 22310
Evaluations and Assessments
Evaluations and/or assessments are usually required for each client unless a current OT evaluation has been completed within the past 6 months. Evaluations typically include standardized, norm-refenced assessments in addition to clinical observations and parental report. Evaluations last between 1-2 hours. History questionnaires will be sent before the appointment to the parents to fill out and return. Additional information may be helpful from the parents and/or teachers to provide a complete and comprehensive report.
Rate: $695 to include a one hour feedback session with parents to discuss evaluation results, goals, and schedule therapy if needed

Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, 2nd Edition (BOT-2)
This assessment is a standardized and norm-referenced test of motor skills comprised of 4 motor composite areas, each with 2 subtests. The BOT-2 provides a comprehensive index of a child’s overall motor proficiency in fine and gross motor skills by engaging the child in fun activities. The 4 motor composite areas and 8 subtests include:
Fine Manual Control
Fine Motor Precision
Fine Motor Integration
Manual Coordination
Manual Dexterity
Upper Limb Coordination
Body Coordination
Bilateral Coordination
Strength and Agility
Running Speed & Agility

Winn Dunn Infant/Toddler and Sensory Profiles
Sensory Profile is a measure of children's responses to sensory events in daily life. The caregiver completes the Sensory Profile by assessing the frequency of a child's responses to certain sensory processing, modulation, and behavioral/emotional events as described in 125 items. We know from research that the Sensory Profile can help identify a child's sensory processing patterns. The results are then used to consider how these patterns might be contributing to or creating barriers to performance in daily life. (Winn Dunn, Sensory Profile)

The Beery Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integration Test (VMI)
This test measures eye-hand coordination, motor control, as well as visual information processing through a sequence of geometric forms that are copied by the child.

Peabody Developmental Motor Skills (PDMS-2)
A developmental test assessing gross and fine motor skills. Subtests include: Stationary-balance reactions, trunk strength, and motor planning; Locomotion- functional mobility transitional movements, crawling, walking, running, jumping, hopping, skipping, rolling, and climbing; Object Manipulation- coordinated motor abilities that require incorporation of perception and movement, motor planning, and eye hand integration such as catching, bouncing, throwing, and kicking a ball; Grasping- manipulative movements including movements of the distal extremities that are combined with vision, proprioception, and tactile processing; Visual motor integration- Dexterity under manipulative skills including handling of blocks, copying of shapes, interpretation of visual stimuli in coordination with hand movements and perceptual skills.

Feeding Evaluation
Consists of parent interview in addition to actual feeding assessment of the child and hands-on oral motor evaluation using the Debra Beckman Oral Motor Assessment.