3508 Fort Hill Drive
Alexandria, VA 22310
Parent/Caregiver/Teacher Consultations
Periodic parent consultations are ideal and important for a child's success and for continuity in all environments. A child experiences and develops in natural settings such as home, school, playgrounds, daycares, pool, and any other settings outside the clinic. To help ensure carryover of skills learned are in OT are used in all settings, a dialogue between therapist and parents/guardians/teachers is most important to ensure your child's continued growth and success. We offer the following opportunities:
- Scheduled 30-minute consultation 2x/month outside therapy sessions: in-person and/or phone/FaceTime to discuss progress, answer questions, explain protocols, provide hands-on training
Location: Kidz Therapy Clinic
Rate: free for caregivers of children receiving OT services
-Additional consultations may be beneficial and should be scheduled if all questions or training were not able to be covered in the above sessions. These in-person and/or phone/FaceTime consultations to discuss progress, answer questions, explain protocol, provide hands-on training are welcome.
Location: Kidz Therapy Clinic
Rate: $50 per 15 minutes
- Consultations with teachers or caregivers to discuss progress, answer questions, explain protocol, provide hands-on training are welcome.
Location: schools or daycares other than at Kidz Therapy clinic
Rate: $ 225 per hour